Psychological Services

Ovspring's multi-disciplinary team consists of developmental specialists and clinical and psycho-educational psychologists who provide a wide range of diagnostic and consultation services to families. Where appropriate, evaluations incorporating medical, speech-language, auditory, and occupational therapy components are undertaken on a team-approach basis for diagnosis.


Our psychologists offer comprehensive assessments for a variety of academic, attention, social and emotional difficulties.  Some of the diagnostic services by our psychologists include the following, but not limited to:


- Identification of Psychological &/or Emotional Issues


- IQ & School Placement Testing


- Identification of Academically Gifted Children


- Developmental Testing & Diagnosis (e.g. Autism/ASD, Developmental Delay)


- Identification of a Learning Difficulty

A learning disability is indicated by a specific area of weakness in a profile that shows learning ability to be at, or above, the average range, (e.g. non-verbal learning disability, reading disability/dyslexia)


- Assessment of symptoms of ADHD / ADD

Psychoeducational test results, parents' and teachers' observations, and the students' behaviour during the assessment contribute to a determination as to whether ADHD is likely to be present and whether the student should be further evaluated by a medical professional.