Intervention Services

Ovspring's psychologists are also available for in-clinic consultations with parents, children and adolescents. Depending on needs and goals, therapy or intervention services may be recommended on an individual or group basis.


Services available to families include behavioural treatments, short-term psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, parent guidance, anxiety and stress management and counselling.  Psychotherapeutic and psychopharmacological interventions are undertaken as indicated. Pharmacological treatments, if so required, will involve consultation with and care of medical staff.


In addition to evaluations or assessments, our clinicians and psychologists can provide recommendations on current services received by the child, recommendations for Individualised Education Plans (IEPs), admission to early intervention programs, and referrals for special educational needs and other remediation services. Where required, input from team members in occupational therapy, speech-language therapy, and special education or learning support can also be included.